Home Assistant Plugin Provider 
The Home Assistant Plugin provides a connection from HA to MA. This will allow HA players to be visible in MA and be streamed to.
To achieve this functionality both the HA plugin and the HA Player Provider need to be installed.
Installation of the Home Assistant Plugin
Before the Plugin can be added the HA Integration must be installed.
- Navigate to MA SETTINGS>>PROVIDERS and add the plug-in provider
- If using the Music Assistant add-on (i.e. HAOS), you wont need any server details, it should auto connect to the local HA instance
- If using the docker version of the MA server, you will be required to enter the URL to your HA instance and then authenticate
Configuring the Home Assistant Plugin
The Home Assistant Plugin can expose HA entities to MA that can then be mapped to the power, volume or mute functions of the MA player. There are three drop down lists which contain a filtered list of HA entities:
For power controls, entities that can be turned on/off and have a boolean state will be shown. (i.e. switch, input_boolean and media_player)
For mute controls, entities that can be turned on/off and have a boolean state will be shown. (i.e. switch, input_boolean and also media_player (where mute state will be mapped))
For volume controls, entities that can have a numeric value/state will be shown. (i.e. input_number and media_player (where volume_level will be mapped))
When an entity is selected it will then appear as an option in an individual player's player control settings.