MA play_media Action
This action allows you to finely select the media to play. Create your service call or automation via the HA GUI or YAML
You can use a name together with the media type
Or just a URI
Or the library id together with the media id
Or a track defined with the artist name, media type is recommended but optional
You can also have a list of items
Or a list of uris which can even be from different music providers
The regular media_player.play_media
service call also accepts all of the above but it cannot take multiple items
When adding multiple items they must be preceded by a hyphen as shown in the images above
There are additional options as well. Enqueue will appear when an entity that supports it is selected.
Radio Mode
You can only use the album, artist, track or playlist media_type if enabling Radio Mode. Radio Mode can only be used if a provider is available which supports dynamic tracks (e.g Spotify, YTM, Apple, Subsonic and Tidal).